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Kettlebell Full Body Rep Drop Ladder

Equipment needed

Single Kettlebell or Single Heavy Dumbbell

Workout Overview:

Rep Drop Ladder (10 reps / 9 reps / 8 reps…)It looks like this:

  • 5 Moves
  • Perform 10 Reps Per Move, THEN 9 Reps Per Move, THEN 8 Reps Per Move…and so on untill you get down to 1 rep per move. So 10 rounds of the 5 moves, dropping 1 rep per round.



  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Deadlift Clean + Squat
  • Push Up + Tap 
  • Glute Bridge Hold + KB Pullover
  • Burpee + 2 KB Swings 


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