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Rest, Release & Flow

Equipment needed

Yoga Mat, Yoga Block

This class focuses on releasing tension where we hold it the most: the neck, shoulders, back body, hamstrings, and hips. You’ll feel stretched and elongated after this 10 minute session.

 Grounding - Intro)
Upper Body Stretch + Interlaced Fingers
Seated Cat/Cow + Interlaced Fingers (3x)
Side Stretch (each side 3x)
Shoulder Circles
Cat/Cow (3x)
Thread The Needle 
Child's Pose (variations)
Thunderbolt Pose
Child's Pose + Interlaced Fingers
Down Dog + Twist
Forward Fold + Opposite Elbow Grip
Modified Up Dog + Child's Pose (3x)

1st Flowing Sequence
Low Lunge + Side Stretch
Half Splits + 1 Arm Extended 
Half Splits

*Repeat Flow on the Left Side*

2nd Flowing Sequence
3-Legged Dog + Leg Lift (3x each leg)
Forward Fold + Twist (each side)
Forward Fold + Opposite Elbow Grip 
Mountain Pose + Side Stretch 
Mountain Pose + Cactus Arms
Forward Fold + Interlaced Fingers 
Pyramid Pose
Low Lunge + Opposite Ankle Grip
Modified Extended Side Angle
Half Circle Pose
Gate Pose Forward Fold (3x rocking)
Wide Legged Forward Fold + Twist

*Repeat Flow on the Left Side*

3rd Flowing Sequence
Goddess Pose + Lift & Lower (3x)
Goddess Pose + Twist
Warrior 1 + Airplane Arms (3x)
Runners Lunge
Extended Side Angle 
Warrior 2 + Lift & Lower (3x)
Wide Legged Foward Fold 

*Repeat Flow on the Left Side*

4th Flowing Sequence
High Lunge + Prayer Twist
Triangle Pose

*Repeat Flow on the Left Side*

Goddess Pose + Twist (2x)

Final Flowing Sequence
High Plank
ScorpionTwist Pose
Up Dog
3 Legged Dog
Half Pigeon 
90/90's + Lower & Lift (3x)
Seated Twists
Windshield Wipers 

*Repeat Flow on the Left Side*

Restorative Ending
Butterfly Pose (with block)
Bridge Pose (with block)
Reclined Half Pigeon
Legs Up Wall (with block)
Legs Up Wall (butterfly pose)
Seated Position
