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Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN of Brooklyn-based Maya Feller Nutrition is a registered dietitian nutritionist, nationally recognized nutrition expert, and author of Eating from Our Roots: 80+ Healthy Home-Cooked Favorites from Cultures Around the World (goop Press), (January 24, 2023). This recipe is reprinted with permission.
These Peruvian green noodles are a take on Italian pesto, but this version is made with basil, spinach, and queso fresco. This delectable dish was the result of Italian migration from Liguria; in Peru, pesto transformed into a new dish that reflected the local foodways.
3 cups
fresh basil leaves
2 cups
baby spinach
½ cup
fresh mint
½ cup
Walnuts, Raw & Unsalted
2 small
garlic cloves
½ cup
queso fresco
1 package
package of linguine, whole wheat, chickpea, or
- In a food processor, place the basil, spinach, mint, walnuts, olive oil, and garlic and blend for about 2 minutes, or until finely chopped and well combined.
- Transfer the pesto mixture to a small bowl and add the queso fresco, mixing well.
- Cook the pasta according to the package instructions, drain and dress with pesto. To serve, plate the pasta and enjoy!
Prep Tip: The pesto can be made ahead of time and stored for up to 2 days in the refrigerator until ready to use.