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Why Take Vitamin A?

Why Take Vitamin A? The benefits of taking vitamin A are wide and varied. Vitamins, such as A, must be obtained from diet, either by food or supplementation.

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counter filled with many versions of junk food including pizza, doughnuts, potato chips, burger, candy, etc...

Nutrition Gap Caused By Processed Foods

Vitamins must be obtained from diet, either from food or supplementation. A healthy, balanced diet provides essential vitamins for good health. With highly processed and refined foods available, nutrition gaps abound, making supplementation necessary to bridge those vitamin gaps in the diet.

chalk board with Vitamin A written on it with version of food that contain Vitamin A including carrots, tomato's, liver, eggs, apple, etc..

Vitamin A Rich Foods

Dried Mango Slices • Unsweetened Dried Apricots • Carrots • Sweet Potatoes • Red Peppers • Green Leafy Vegetables • Eggs & Dairy • Pumpkin Pie • Fortified Cereals

carrots and carrot juice


Is converted to Vitamin A in the liver.

What Makes Vitamin A Beneficial?

Normal Visual Function* ImmuneSystem Health* ProteinUtilization*
Health Skin,Bones & Teeth* Free Radical Protection*

Not Getting Enough Vitamin A?

Bridge the Gap with Supplements

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.