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ACTION to receive $30 off $110+ order†The ABC’s of Vitamins
As the debate surrounding the importance of vitamins continues, we often forget one simple truth – vitamins are absolutely essential for our survival. They are necessary for growth, healthy metabolism, cellular function, and countless processes within the body.
In this 60-minute webinar we welcome Jim Golick, CCN, LDN to refresh our knowledge and/or help us learn a few new things about the basic vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K and their nutritional importance!
Jim Golick is a Certified and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist in Illinois. He has been in the industry for 40+ years, and has a long history with NOW Foods in both retail management and nutrition counseling, as well as in the corporate environment. He is currently part of our product information Team at NOW, where he answers questions and shares his vast knowledge with retailers, consumers, and practitioners from around the world.