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Dr. Will Cole

Functional Medicine Practitioner

Based in Pittsburgh, Dr. Will Cole, IFMCP, DNM, DC, counsels clients all over the world. His holistic approach to wellness through functional medicine finds the root cause of health problems and tailors a functional approach to the individual. He is the best-selling author of “Ketotarian,” “The Inflammation Spectrum,” and “Intuitive Fasting.” His latest book, “Gut Feelings” (March 21, 2023) offers a definitive guide to understanding the connection between what you eat and how you feel.

Dr. Will Cole sitting on couch holding his book "Gut Feelings"
Dr. Will Cole sitting at a table with NOW supplements

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to functional medicine. Context matters and varies from person to person, which is why it's so important to look at health from a "whole body" perspective to discover the root issues, and utilize nutrition, natural supplements, and lifestyle changes to achieve long-term sustainable healing.

Dr. Will Cole

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Dr. Will Cole Tips


plate filled with roasted vegetables

Eat More Cooked Vegetables

If you are struggling with digestive problems, try eating more cooked vegetables instead of raw. This helps decrease the amount of work your digestive system needs to do to break down food because some of that has already been done for you through the cooking process. Even easier to digest are pureed soups that are broken down even further. Going easy on your digestion can help reduce bloat and lead to a healthier gut. As you heal, you will be able to tolerate raw foods better. Plus, cooking certain vegetables like zucchini and broccoli can increase their beneficial antioxidant content.


different vitimans on a table with lemon slices

Take Advantage of Vitamin Synergy

Our body relies on specific nutrients to thrive. And when you are fighting off any sort of seasonal challenge, these nutrients can make the difference by helping to maintain optimal immune function. Vitamin C in particular has been shown to help maintain year-round health. But when taken alongside zinc - like NOW Foods 50mg Zinc Tablets - vitamin C’s immune benefits are enhanced even further.* Another example of vitamin synergy? Taking fat-soluble vitamins - like vitamin D3 and K2 which are necessary for healthy bones and cardiovascular health - together enhance each other’s bioavailability.*


dark skinned female presenting person taking a break after a workout

Get Sweaty

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and is a major part of your detoxification system. Sweating is one way for your body to rid itself of any toxins within your body including heavy metals and endocrine disruptors like BPA and PCBs from plastics. Movements like cardio exercises and infrared saunas are two of my favorite ways to sweat more during my day.


bowl of blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.

Don’t Forget About Antioxidants

Every one of your 37.2 trillion cells makes up your body and is responsible for taking in nutrients, converting nutrients into energy, keeping all systems of your body properly functioning, and skin looking youthful. Damage to your cells can happen from free radicals caused by excessive oxidation from everyday triggers like toxins, poor diet, stress, and sun exposure. Antioxidants, or free radical scavengers, are important compounds found naturally in fruits and vegetables that inhibit oxidation from these triggers. Since your body doesn’t produce these on its own, try a supplement like NOW’s Super Antioxidant Capsules to reap the benefits of these compounds.*


jar of NOW Real Food Manuka Honey on a wooden block with a spoon sitting in front of it

Level-Up Your Sweetener

We all know that too much sugar isn’t good for our metabolic health. But I don’t believe restriction is the answer either as this can warp our relationship with food. Instead, aim for food peace and swap your regular sugar for a natural sweetener that both satisfies your sweet tooth and fuels your health. Manuka Honey is one of the rarest types of honey in the world as it is made by bees who pollinate the Manuka flower that is only found in New Zealand. NOW’s Manuka Honey is guaranteed to contain at least 250mg/kg of methylglyoxal (MGO) - the compound responsible for Manuka Honey’s powerful properties.


dark skinned female presenting person holding a bowl of food looking out a window with a spoon in her mouth

Eat Slower

Due to our busy schedules we often eat quickly or on the go. However, cleaning our plates as fast as possible hasn’t taught our bodies to recognize when we are full. Stopping to sit down and actually take our time eating, allows us to truly acknowledge what it feels like to be full. Not only does this help us not to overeat, but chewing slower allows us to fully digest our food which will help ease any sort of bloating, gas, and overall digestive distress.


Green smoothie, parsley, and bottle of L-Glutamine Powder

Try L-Glutamine

Your gut is lined with a type of cell known as enterocytes. If you are trying to support a healthy gut lining, look no further than L-glutamine as this amino acid is essential for maintaining the health and growth of enterocytes in your gut since it is the preferred fuel source of these cells.* NOW’s L-Glutamine Powder is perfect to mix in your daily smoothie, tea, or glass of water so you can easily incorporate this into your day. Plus, it is free from all the common allergens, making it one of the best choices on the market for anyone, regardless of dietary restrictions.


sneakers standing at white line on the blacktop

Set Appropriate Boundaries

Health is just as much about your emotional well-being as it is the foods you eat. A big component to your emotional health? Your relationships. Chronic stress from toxic relationships has been shown to cause a long-term activation of your brain’s CTRA, contributing to chronic inflammation and increasing the risk of health problems like adrenal fatigue. Take stock of who you regularly spend time with and how they make you feel in each interaction. If you find that you are spending too much time with someone who is constantly negative or tears you down, set up healthy boundaries and invest your time in people who build you up instead.


white plate with fork and knife placed like clock hands at 4:00. with food in-between

Boost Autophagy

Autophagy is your body’s cellular recycling process that works to break down damaged cells and recycle them out of your system. This also makes way for new, healthy cells to be produced by promoting healthy cellular metabolism. This is vital since damaged cells can lead to a variety of health problems including Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, poor immune health, and premature aging. Increase your autophagy through periods of intermittent fasting, green tea, earl gray tea with bergamot, and regular exercise.


light skinned female presenting person sitting in a chair looking out the window with her feet up and hands clasped behind her head

Embrace JOMO

If you struggle with FOMO, try embracing JOMO (the joy of missing out). Carving out time to be alone can be surprisingly refreshing, allows you to take a breath, and can help you process events and situations that are a point of stress by allowing time for reflection. The most important relationship you have is with yourself. Take time cultivating it like you would any other relationship in your life!


bowl of oatmeal with apple slices, bananas, and blueberries.

Up Your Fiber Intake

Probiotics get all the attention when it comes to gut health. But prebiotics are just as important! Prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber found in certain foods that are digested slower by your body and act as a source of food for your gut’s healthy bacteria so they can multiply. They also help keep you regular. Apples, oats, bananas, asparagus, chicory root, and onions are all great sources of prebiotic fiber, and one of my favorite products is NOW’s 100% Organic Steel Cut Oats. I love topping them with walnuts for added healthy fats and protein and antioxidant-rich blueberries for a hearty snack or meal.


light skinned hand holding bottle of NOW Milk Thistle

Make Your Life a Cleanse

Unfortunately, toxins are all around us. And while we can do our best to mitigate toxin exposure, we can’t avoid them altogether. That’s why it is so important to support your body’s own detoxification system so you are better equipped to detox whatever comes your way. In addition to eating more detoxifying superfoods like parsley, cilantro, and blueberries, supporting your liver - your main detox organ - can go a long way. One super herb, Milk Thistle, works to support your body’s normal detoxification systems, as well as overall liver health and function.*


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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