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ACTION to receive $30 off $110+ order†Three Practical Ways to JOMO
There are a million things that you can occupy your time with and say “yes” to. From work to social events to more work, you can always be on the go. But next time you feel your FOMO creep in, schedule in some time to just be still and cultivate the most important relationship of all - the one with yourself - by embracing JOMO: the joy of missing out. Here are Dr. Will Cole’s top three ways to do that.
1. Schedule a Night In
Instead of stressing over what everyone else is doing on a Friday night, treat yourself to a night in with all your favorite things. This can look different for everyone (my time at home is spent with a cup of tea and a nature documentary) but yours can include reading a book, indulging in an at-home spa treatment, or making a new recipe you’ve been meaning to try. If you look at this as a time to invest in yourself and do all the things you love, you’ll be much less distracted by what you are missing out on.
2. Take Yourself Out
Instead of waiting around for everyone’s schedule to line up with yours, practice doing things on your own. Seeing a movie, trying a new coffee shop, or going on a long walk in a park by yourself can empower you and help you reconnect to yourself and your likes and dislikes.
3. Cultivate a Hobby
If you are sitting around twirling your thumbs, you are going to feel FOMO when you see other people out and about, having fun without you. Fill your time with a hobby that you can do from the comfort of your own home like knitting or painting or join a dance class or rock-climbing gym if being active is more your speed. Not only will a hobby enrich your downtime, but it will also help you feel more fulfilled.