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ACTION to receive $30 off $110+ order†Three Ways to Show Yourself Grace Every Day
In our modern society, it’s easy to get caught up in having it all - the perfect family, jobs, body, and so forth. It can be difficult to take a step back, give ourselves grace, and show gratitude for the beautiful person we are. These tips from Dr. Will Cole will help you transform your mindset from that of shame to one of grace and lightness.
1. Eliminate Diet Dogma
At the end of the day, making healthy changes should be done from a place of grace and lightness — not punishment, obsession, or restriction. You can’t control everything and chronic stress can be just as bad for your health as the foods you put into your body. If you find yourself constantly focusing on being perfect — and tearing yourself down when you slip up — it’s a recipe for failure and it’s doing nothing to improve your health. Instead, focus on making small changes over time rather than undergoing a complete diet overhaul. This will eliminate the pressure to be “perfect” while helping you feel better and more confident over time.
2. Invest in the Right Relationships
Relationships come and go and look different throughout your life, but who you keep in your inner circle is the most important. These people are who you spend the most time with, and influence your energy and how you view yourself. If you are spending your time with people who constantly belittle you, tear you down, don’t listen, or constantly take without any give, it’s time to set up healthy boundaries or step away from the relationship.
3. Limit Energy Zappers
All of us exchange energy during the day whether it is in person, through text, via email, or via social media. Unfortunately, not all of these interactions are positive, which can quickly drain our energy reserves and put us in a sour mood. And while you can’t avoid all negative interactions, you can set up healthy boundaries to limit your exposure to the constant stream of news, social media, and internet trolls. Chances are you’ll feel a lot better about yourself the happier you are in general.