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ACTION to receive $30 off $110+ order†Paleo Friendly
Paleo (short for Paleolithic) is a unique diet comprised solely of natural, unprocessed foods. It’s a diet that’s similar to the one our prehistoric ancestors subsisted on, and includes nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and free-range meats. NOW offers a great selection of paleo-friendly foods to complement your healthy lifestyle.
Product Results
See Content Results$6.99
Dandelion Tea, Organic
Green Kick™ Tea, Organic
Monk Fruit Liquid, Organic
Hemp Seed Hearts, Organic
Rolled Oats, Organic
Pecans, Raw & Unsalted
Tamari Almonds
Beef Gelatin Powder
Ojibwa Tea
Peppermint Tea, Organic
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.