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Scientifically Backed HMB

HMB Clinical Studies

NOW Sports uses myHMB®, a patented form of HMB that has been clinically tested

pink background NOW Sports HMB 500mg and HMB Powder
Sports Recovery*, Preserves Lean Mass*, Maintains Muscle*
Only resistance training + HMB had significantly less abdominal fat mass compared to baseline*
graphic of abs

Resistance Training Study

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled; 48 healthy, elderly men (aged 66-78 years).

Results: Mean abdominal fat mass value was significantly lower in the resistance training + HMB group compared to the no training + placebo, no training + HMB and resistance training + placebo.*1

preserved lean body mass*
bed icon

Experimental Bed Rest Study

Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled; 24 healthy, older adults on on experimental bed rest (aged 60-79 years).

Results: Supplementation with HMB preserved lean body mass in older adults during 10 days of bed rest compared to control.*2

Improved total fat mass and muscle quality*
Muscular Leg Icon

Two Phase Isokinetic Leg Extension Study

Double-blind, placebo-controlled trail in two phases; healthy, older adults (aged 65+ years).

Results: Phase 1- HMB supplementation improved isokinetic leg extension and total lean mass, leg lean mass and leg extension compared to baseline.* Phase 2- HMB supplementation improved total fat mass and muscle quality compared to baseline.*3

Decreased markers of muscle overexertion*
running shoe in motion icon

Prolonged Run Study

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled; 16 runners (running at least 30 mi/wk)(aged 20-50 years)

Results: After a prolonged run, the placebo group showed increased creatine phosphokinase activity compared to the HMB supplemented group.* Also, the HMB supplemented group showed decreased lactate dehydrogenase activity compared to the placebo group.*4

 increased upper body strength*
flexed arm muscle icon

Bench Press and Leg Press/Extension Study

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in two-gender cohorts; 82 men and women (aged 20-40 years).

Results: Individuals receiving HMB supplementation exhibited a greater increase in upper body strength compared to placebo.Supplementation group had increased fat-free weight and decreased percent fat.*4


  1. Stout JR, Fukuda DH, Kendall KL, Smith-Ryan AE, Moon JR, Hoffman JR. β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation and resistance exercise significantly reduce abdominal adiposity in healthy elderly men. Experimental gerontology. 2015;64:33-4.

  2. Deutz NE, Pereira SL, Hays NP, et al. Effect of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) on lean body mass during 10 days of bed rest in older adults. Clinical nutrition. 2013;32(5):704-12.

  3. Stout JR, Smith-Ryan AE, Fukuda DH, Kendall KL, Moon JR, Hoffman JR, et al. Effect of calcium β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (CaHMB) with and without resistance training in men and women 65+ yrs: A randomized, double-blind pilot trial. Experimental gerontology. 2013;48(11):1303-10.

  4. Knitter AE, Panton L, Rathmacher JA, Petersen A, Sharp R. Effects of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate on muscle damage after a prolonged run. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2000;89(4):1340-1344.

  5. Panton LB, Rathmacher JA, Baier S, Nissen S. Nutritional supplementation of the leucine metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) during resistance training. Nutrition. 2000;16(9):734-9.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.