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Immune Support Checklist

Lifestyle habits fall into 4 main categories:

Food & Diet • Gut Support • Self-Care • Immune Supplements

Our immune system has the huge task of protecting us against infection, illness, and disease. According to Registered Dietitian Nutritionist DJ Blatner, luckily there are many lifestyle habits we can adopt to support our immune system. See how many of these immune-enhancing habits you can check off each day. The more habits you can incorporate on a regular basis, the more support you are giving your immune system to work at its full potential.


Food & Diet

fresh fruits and vegetables spilling out onto grey background.

Diet forms the foundation of strong immunity

light skinned female presenting person drinking water


Aim to drink at least half your body weight (pounds) in ounces each day. Plain water is best, but you can also count unsweetened: coffee, tea, flavored water, and sparkling water toward your daily total.

table full of vegetables, fruit, bowl of prepared food with tofu and veggies

Plant foods

A diet rich in a variety of plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds) helps support immunity. In fact, research suggests people who eat 30 different plant foods each week have a healthier microbiome (more beneficial gut bacteria) than people who don’t eat as many different plants.

cutting board with chopped garlic surrounded by garlic cloves and bulbs


Many herbs & spices contain immune support compounds, especially garlic.

wooden scoop of sugar and sugar cubes

Less sugar

Studies since the 1970’s have found diets high in added sugar may weaken immune responses. To keep added sugar levels low, use alternative sweeteners such as NOW® Real Food Organic Monk Fruit Liquid.

Gut Support

hands in Heart shape near a stomach.

It’s estimated that 70-80% of our immune system is in our gut, so gut health is immune health.

multiple jars of fermented foods

Fermented foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, cultured cottage cheese, kombucha, and fermented veggie brine drinks can add beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract. A healthy microbiome (the bacteria in our digestive tract) supports a healthy immune system.

group of probiotic supplements

Probiotic supplement

It is difficult to get all of the probiotics you need from diet alone, so taking a supplement may help. Since there are many types of probiotics, it’s important to focus on formulas that have immune supporting strains such as NOW® Probiotic Defense.*

tabletop of fiber rich foods including bread, fruits, grains, leafy greens

Fiber-rich foods

Recent research found increasing fiber for as little as 2 weeks can positively impact gut health. Fiber rich foods include berries, apples, pears, avocado, broccoli, beans, lentils, peas, oats, quinoa, popcorn, chia seeds, and flaxseeds.

table top filled with glutamine rich foods including pork, salmon, grains, eggs, hemp seeds, spirulina, tofu, cheese

Glutamine-rich foods

Glutamine is an amino acid that supports intestinal cell health. Eat a variety of glutamine-rich protein foods such as tofu, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, hemp seeds, and spirulina.

Self Care

light skinned female presenting person in a pink shirt head tipped back, eyes closed in a green forest background

Invest time, energy, and love into self-care to set your immune system up for success.

medium skinned female presenting person applying lotion to her hands

​​​​​​​Wash & moisturize hands

You know every immune support checklist will have the reminder to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. But also make sure to moisturize with something like NOW® Solutions Vitamin C & Sea Buckthorn Lotion, since moisturized, healthy skin is more effective than dry skin.

light skinned male presenting person sleeping in a bed


Getting about 8 hours of regular sleep each night can help support overall health and immunity. To set the mood for relaxation and sleep, consider using a diffuser with calming scents such as NOW® Essential Oils Peaceful Sleep.

medium skinned female presenting person in a red tank top running up set of outdoor stairs


Regular workouts support the immune system. The goal is about 150 minutes per week, and to stay motivated pick activities that you find most enjoyable.

medium skinned female and male presenting persons sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hand on knees in meditation pose


Meditation has been associated with better stress and immune responses. As little as 10 minutes a day can be a powerful habit for overall health and wellness.

Immune Supplements

dark skinned male presenting person smiling and taking a vitamin

Think of supplements as lifestyle “add-ons” to give your immune system a competitive edge, especially during times you are feeling run-down or need extra nutrient support.

Daily Vits™ - 100 Tablets Bottle Front

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Daily Vits™ Tablets

100 Tablets

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Mushroom Immune Renew - 90 Veg Capsules Bottle Front

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Mushroom Immune Renew Veg Capsules

90 Veg Capsules

5.0 out of 5 stars. 25 reviews

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.