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Why Take Probiotics?

Why Take Probiotics? Great for Improving Gut Health and Digestion.*

Did You Know?

Probiotics serve a number of important roles in the body, particularly for digestion and digestive health, but they’re not found in a wide variety of foods, so supplementation is a great way to ensure you’re supplying your body with a healthy helping of probiotics for health.* What does that mean? Basically, it makes your gut feel good.*

Our bodies are home to beneficial bacteria, referred to as probiotics, which live both inside and outside of our bodies. Outside, the majority of bacteria are found on our skin. Inside, the bulk of beneficial bacteria reside in our intestinal tract, also referred to as the human gut. TIP: Refrigeration after opening is ideal for storing probiotics.

Oh So Powerful! Probiotics Support:

Healthy Digestion* Immune System* Healthy IntestinalFlora*
PositiveProbioticBalance* Special Formulasfor Womens Skin& Oral Health*
Ribo Printer

Importance of Identity, Potency, & Purity

NOW technicians utilize the RiboPrinter™, a powerful cutting-edge tool, to guarantee the identity, potency, and purity of the bacterial strains used in our probiotic products.



yogurt, pickles, sour kraut, broth

Probiotic Food Sources

Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Tempeh, Kimchi, Miso, Kombucha, Pickles, Natto

Not Getting Enough Probiotics?
Bridge the Gap with Supplements

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.