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Tasha Edwards, a #NOWAmbassador based in Alabama, is a personal trainer, certified group fitness instructor, Holistic Health Coach, and blogger behind Hip Healthy Chick. She prioritizes living a healthy and active lifestyle not only so she can look and feel her best, but also so she can be a role model for her family and her community.
The struggle is straight up real.

With the newness of Spring and the feeling of renewal in the air, I believe the success can be too. I have to admit that I struggled this winter. The real truth is I struggle EVERY winter. Winters hold quite a few memories that I’d like to forget. It’s also the time that my business as a personal trainer and fitness instructor slow down and I am often less productive than I need to be with my new found “free time.” As a woman who was born and raised in Chicago, I have totally rebelled against any weather that is below 65 degrees and I am easily soothed by lots of yummy lattes and heavy meals that are more likely balm for my emotions than nourishment for my body.
With the arrival of Spring, I feel bloated, unprepared and disappointed. I know it’s time for a change. Instead of stumbling into it blindly, I’m ready to bloom and be done with that stagnant energy that makes me feel heavy and withdrawn. Spring has so much promise, so much sunshine, so many bright colors and amazing bird songs. How awesome would it be if we could just shift moods, perspectives and our health like the days on the calendar? But how awesome it is that we CAN shift?
The thing is I’ve been here before; this “need to shift immediately” place more times than I would like to remember. As a person who has experienced the ups and downs of life (and the weight loss and mood changes that go with it) over the last 15 to 20 years, I know what works for me and what doesn’t work and I know that there are both mental and physical issues to be addressed when it comes to “spring cleaning” and making space for the newness we want in our lives. I’ve had to edit a few things after having a hysterectomy seven years ago, turning 40 two years ago and dealing with the biggest challenge of my life just fifteen months ago. Things just don’t work like they used to work, stress is real and life happens whether you are ready for it or not. While I’ve never been one for a lot of gimmicks (I have considered quite a few), I have found nothing works like a solid, consistent, basic routine that is in alignment with your goals and lifestyle. That goes for mental and physical health and well-being.
Tasha's wellness tips
Here are my simple, basic tips to take advantage of the fresh start that Spring can bring for all of us:
- Relax (for real!) and really SLEEP! Nothing throws the body off more than inconsistent sleep. Because my life was a bit out of whack, I would wake up at 2:00 a.m. and not be able to go back to sleep before I had to be at work all day starting at 5:30 a.m. I started using the NOW® Progesterone with lavender before bed as well as putting NOW Lavender and Chamomile essential oils in my diffuser. I spray myself down with NOW Magnesium Spray after a nice, long shower, turn my phone, computer and television off by a certain time and pray and deep breathe myself to sleep. I also try to go to bed around the same time every night.
- Take a vitamin. My eating cycle is way off and I am still working through establishing a routine where my meals aren’t so sporadic. For back-up, I take my NOW Eve™ multi-vitamins for women. I also take a few other supplements (I’ve had blood work done so I know what my body needs), including a great probiotic (gut wellness), flax oil (need the omega 3’s for the brain), vitamin D (super deficient) and I KEEP NOW Vitamin C and B12 on standby to help me get through my day to day.
- Establish a workout regimen and don’t let yourself off the hook. As a trainer, people think that exercise is always a major part of my day. I have to FIGHT for it. My job is to work OTHER people out not exercise myself. I have to make a CONSCIOUS effort (I mean like schedule days and appointments in my calendar) to make sure I am getting all of the physical activity I need. When I am not moving, my mood shifts. Exercise is so much more than trying to attain a certain “physical look.” I am actually about to go back to running for the meditative properties in addition to the things I already love like yoga, Zumba and barre. It’s important to make it a priority and STICK TO IT. It only works if we hold ourselves accountable. Feel free to ask me if I’ve run this week if you see me online.
- Declutter your space. This is a HUGE one for me because I like to save things. I have found that getting rid of things that are past their time (clothes, papers, relationships) leave so much space for possibilities. A lot of what has held me back is holding on to people, places and things too long.
- Spend time with family and friends. Human interaction just cannot be duplicated. We need each other! Everything can’t be about work. Everything can’t be about social media. Everything can’t be about self. I honestly believe that hugs and words of affirmation, sharing and caring and healing are vital. Building and maintaining relationships is vital. And if you would like to invite me over for tea (NOW Real Tea®TLC Tea is one of my favorites!) so you can practice, I’m available!
- Get out in the sunshine! Get some vitamin D and breathe in some fresh air! Being close to nature is so renewing for our body, mind and spirit.
I hope this Spring opens the door for a more radiant you to bloom!