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Skin Brightening Toner

A female-presenting person with light skin and long brown hair has her eyes closed

Help restore your skin’s youthful glow and vitality with this super-simple DIY Skin Brightening Toner, a combination of lemon and lavender oils that can help visibly brighten your skin tone.

3 tablespoon distilled water
4 drops Lemon Oil
3 drops Lavender Oil
  1. Combine all ingredients together.
  2. Use a cotton ball or pad to swab over face area.
  3. Then apply moisturizer.

Caution: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with care. Dilute essential oils as directed, do not exceed dilutions recommended for this recipe. Pure essential oils can be irritating to the skin. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. For adult use only. Keep out of reach of children. Not for internal use. Avoid contact with eyes. Consult a healthcare practitioner before using if pregnant/nursing.

Nutritional Information