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Freshening Room & Furniture Spray

A modern living room with a grey accented couch and a brown rug on wooden floor

There’s no need to spend money on those unhealthy upholstery deodorizers when you have your own natural Freshening Room & Furniture Spray in your cleaning arsenal. Just combine these essential oils and water in a spray bottle, shake, and enjoy botanical bliss!

½ teaspoon Lavender Oil
½ teaspoon Peppermint Oil
½ teaspoon Lemon Oil
8 ounce water
  1. Put essential oils in an empty clean 8 ounce container and fill with water.
  2. Shake well and spray around the area that needs freshening.
  3. Do not spray EO’s at close range on delicate fabric to avoid staining.

Caution: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with care. Dilute essential oils as directed. Keep out of reach of children. Not for internal use. Avoid contact with eyes. Consult a healthcare practitioner before using if pregnant/nursing.

Nutritional Information