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NOW® is proud to manufacture a number of halal-certified foods and dietary supplements for our customers around the world. For those who aren’t familiar with halal certification or have questions about it, we’ve put together some of the more frequently asked questions regarding this method of food production.
What is Halal?
- Halal means “permissible or allowed” in Arabic.
- Halal products are made using ingredients that are permissible under Muslim dietary law.
- Similar to kosher, halal food and nutrition products are prepared in a hygienic and humane manner (cruelty free), using no alcohol or pork products, especially for individuals of Muslim faith.
What is Halal Certification?
Our halal products carry a logo guaranteeing certification from the ISWA Halal Certification Department.
Our halal gelatin-encapsulated supplements use either bovine- or fish-derived gelatin, never porcine. All bovine- and fish-based capsules that we offer are halal. Our halal products feature the crescent moon with a large H logo on the supplement bottle. You can shop all halal products from NOW here.