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Head-to-Toe Wellness

white female facing person doing a child's pose stretch with a white background wearing black pants and blue top

Whole Body Self-Care

Much like a body scan meditation — breathing in, taking the breath all the way down to your toes, and again and again, throughout your body until you reach the top of your head — wellness doesn’t stop with one task like good nutrition. Take care of your whole body with advice and tips from our Healthy Living videos and articles to nurture your whole body and soul, in addition to taking your high-quality supplements and eating wholesome foods.


Self-Care Essentials with Dr. Will Cole

Wind Down with a Nighttime Skincare Routine

effer-c with oranges and orange slices around it next to a prepared matcha drink with NOW matcha bag next to it, kitchen background

Beauty Boosting Recipes

NOW® Expert and RDN DJ Blatner crafted these delicious beauty elixirs to help you get your glow on from the inside out.

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white female facing person doing a lunge in a bright living room

Legs + Abs Workout

Feel the burn with this intense lower body and abs workout from former NOW® Ambassador DJ Townsel.

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test saying "Rehab Your Sleep with Dr Will Cole" with a dark blue background and an image of dr will cole sitting on a couch

Rehab Your Sleep

NOW® Expert and functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole offers practical guidance for taking control of your sleep.

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Arms + Abs with Lindsey Bomgren

Self-Care Flow with Flex & Flow

Self-Care Products