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ACTION to receive $30 off $110+ order†The Power of Thoughts and Health
In this 60-minute webinar we welcome Patrick Massey, MD, PhD, as he explores the physics and medicine characterizing the reality and life-altering power of your various thoughts and how to enhance positive thought and protect yourself from negative thoughts.
Patrick Massey, MD, PhD
Dr. Massey received his MD from Rush Medical School and completed his residency in internal medicine at Rush Medical Center. His PhD is in immunology from Northwestern University Graduate School of Medicine. Dr. Massey also has a doctorate in spiritual studies from Delphi University. Currently he is the President of ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy Integrative Medicine, and the author of “Miracles or I Have No More Boils.” Dr. Massey is on staff at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center and is the past director of the program in complementary and alternative medicine for the Alexian Brothers Hospital Network. A long-time featured writer for the Daily Herald newspaper, Dr. Massey has also published extensively in the traditional and nontraditional medical literature in both laboratory and clinical research.
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