Online Education for Retailers
ExpertVoice is an exclusive community that connects passionate, knowledgeable retailers like you with their favorite brands — like NOW. As part of the community, retailers engage in short lessons to learn about NOW and earn free product.
Create your account or login to ExpertVoice and start learning today!
FREE Webinars for NOW Retailers
Webinars are conducted on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM CT. Register once and you will receive an email with the topic and login information for each monthly webinar.
NOW Facility Overview
NOW Quality Manufacturing
We run one of the supplement industry's most sophisticated manufacturing operations – testing vigorously every step of the way – to ensure the identity, potency and purity of every ingredient, and to make sure there’s no contamination or adulteration. Our goal is to create and ship only the freshest and most potent products by achieving maximum efficiency without sacrificing quality. To you, this means: our products are the highest quality at the best price.
Interested in becoming a NOW retailer?
Please contact sales@nowfoods.com or call 800-999-8069 to learn about the requirements to become an authorized NOW® retail customer.
Please note, wholesale accounts are not intended for home-based businesses.
NOW Quality, Your Brand
NOW's comprehensive private label program allows your company, regardless of size, to tailor individually branded lines of our top-selling products, completely personalized to your specifications.Contact our experienced private label consultants today to get started!