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Coconut Hibiscus Tea Latte

coconut hibiscus tea hero

This skin-loving tea latte featuring collagen powder is perfect to sip on during a quiet afternoon for a moment to relax and unwind. This delicious and functional recipe is provided by holistic health and celebrity wellness coach Kelly LeVeque and is inspired by channeling your inner domestic goddess. As you spend the majority of the day taking care of others, don’t forget to take a self-care moment for yourself by taking time to enjoy your favorite delicious drink.

  1. Steep tea bag in a glass of hot water for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove tea bag and pour steeped tea in a blender.
  3. Add coconut stevia, coconut oil and collagen and blend to emulsify into a caffeine-free coconut latte.

Nutritional Information

Serving Size
1 cup (258 g)
Total Fat
9 g
Saturated Fat
9 g
10 g
Total Carbohydrate
0 g
Dietary Fiber
0 g
0 mg
0 mg
20 mg
19 mg